The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

Daily earned FEBltUARY 5, I. 11 WEDNESDAY MOI.NING, gTOCKS AND BONDS JO LOAN fcI a A A niSIXESS CHANCES Of Many Htnde. nrsiNESS lvHxstments Au Ku- SCUOOL BOY SHOT BY MAN IN AUTO. QTIi PROPKRT1 For alev ttTfrsALR Ir( RliA OIL I Nf, WrjBVKlr oped, near Cronus lea. dislrict, tlf.O per atra, teiioa, ioUN K.

WRIUHr. amour. Pomona. HEAL ESTATK-FOR EXCHANGE twejlanjft afuuawa. rort rxcBANfun rtrAS 1 boom mm chalet h.niae, vaina ItKJW, and clear elose-ln prtporty.

old utiptonmenia, tslue gtVAsJ: both for flat building; will aaauaie a mortgage; ureter Hol-lywou4 way. BOBINaON, 0. JiJinsuu mill. rO IXCflAAUE NUUTHWsi'r US UlLiH giound, 18 minuiea from husinesa center, 1-ttorr Slid 'a, 8 house witti large porch, lloweri, and bearing fruit trees; mortjuge liisJ: want 1 to ft-scre imiToted or unimprovsd r.ct!y. Call BUttvr H'J-'fJ to 7P 'n.

FOR ibfcHANOE LoNtl BEACH HOME FOBTEtii i LI 1 .1 lit tl I propf-riv For tola. Coa-hella. OH HALS 100 ACHE FIRST-OLAr" pAUt or ettac's Usd, located 111 Upet-helte Vsiley nnr churches, tat! railroad nation nd c-teaii-to-oeeaa highway.) where ''finest quit is Aitti Patny improved. Direct (lota st very rea-p-aols price. Ton can bor aumctepi money froia local Federal Farm aB Aasoeiaittoi at per cent, (which includes rineipi apd Interest! to make eubatsutlsl wv tteut anil tenure i -sseseion.

See Mil tlYiLSg MR riF.MtY.jlll lnve.trient Blrtif. T.VT Vnl" i I A' I'SlE llS alfalfa land, louat-d in UtW Valiey (Beer h-rclies, school, town, railroad stalk- and eean-trt-ocean hliihway.l where "flpert quality atea glow." Partly unproved. Direct from oun- at Aery resannalila pine. You can borrow nutrient uiGney from, local Federal Kami Loen As-nriallnn at raur rent, (which Includes princiltsl jhI Interest) to make sul-ianital itsymeiit and ernre po-seselon. see WB.

BfiN or MR. IFNKY. 411 Intcitmoiit Bldg. OB'tAiriif 4iMILrfFR0M TOWN C0ACF4-LA. acres, an Mil, worth 6I20O.

will tnke if told thia week, Apply MLRJUIX Ban Joaquin Valley. 0 FIrt -AN IO.V (WIN VALI.FT land fur residence, valued si StkwO to Los Angeles ur tile-dale. lmd situated at ortervllle, Tr Utile, IMoat (tiatrfol, Finest atii for m-aoae, or olives in thff worla. Now ilantad to hot. Will trade clear for flfar or gnal mortgage on eh talue bla, (liBSMlli) AMfHKLU tl2 tiiionlia Lot AJUielofc It enjj 1 4j, Oil SALE OR kXUUNUE At UKliK hnuae, uiodarn.

ritta larga noma, MOJfut rillia, forrlm, fruit, Honiara, water; "aut lin- rial ni lil.imnroiiul HB JoaaMltt l)T ltn rtL atuat good. Bo HT, HVNBS, t4. Freano FUr-SNO COl'NTT UMD. Kara om of tiiar bt land is frMt Jnaymn Valley, Hrllent fof alalla, trutt. lock and im ot tin famtiua Thomp.

on ralsm rrane. Prl. lr rith granir atrr. Liiwa! tnrma Oim IB ind alk wata uj, kUUiUI BElUi, 1018 Suiry B1J. lfamrt.

fOH BATJB 'NKKD CAStt Af ONCB AND OFFTR rwt buy fn tlw ktaw; 80 aorx near HWJlet, jual nils parwl botlleiord-. Iwd. land, plemj' tatfr tor irnwtwn, wella or water Iau4 mlwiniug ia 5W Ju 10 ai-m at 7o it-re. H. lnrrtTOMit.

Bidtf. loS-lfl. jvTi5iusui' i cSs, iiiiiKT. acre altalfa. a anlioota, iKiunnng ilanu 45 tncliea, U'S par aora, Want iuooma, ijjav.

-BMilU. lOXS Haw Bid. Imperial Vallay. Dl SATJP OB KXCHANOE IMraaiAti VALLET, 1J0 aarf; 6 aiilaa (rain Imparial, 40 ar fNuad and oroaa (racadt fair bntua, 3a 'harca No, 1 watar eujta. worth lluuti; prioa iXi, terma $500 oaah and $1000 lot, fc.

laar, or auto w-orta that nionay, bal, toOO a year, 'Ll-De wnt. VALLET LAND jM Main at. iXttt BALE SFVERAL TRACTS Of L-OiD-IrJ Imparial VaUfr lo parcela from to (W teres, ail under ruitiration, wall located and 'uiIt water etockrd. Must be aold. to ariue Mata H.

D. PAtUN, 3OT A. Inmtmeut Wt- 1hona 635S5. or Tnjat Devartinent, Ouar- inry Truat and fearipga Bank. t'OR BALK bti ACRKS IN NO.

WATER Dl9-trict, fully stocked. 40 acres fa alfalfa, bal-mce ready for croD. There i no beltar land i.a the Tnlly. will grow anything, no alkaii. UUtlirMltrnb ID" UMIIfb KM, VO i-re.

C. Ml-NtET. Brawl, fal. ri)R (SALS 100 At rilOS lri U.V WATER UTOrK-ed, Weil eticed, with hog wire, all in crop of wheat and tu fine eoudiuun, erop goes with the land, owner wants to go East Frka $lo0 par ion. C.

Brawley, Cat Rlceraida. V' rOR BALK RAISB sti.NKIST. NEtSSITf COM-pellcd niortgaaiag; roortKagine comiiols fcacri-ftring a 4S-aeie orange griive, ideally situated in imernide diwt'ict; uiisiiea water; pai'liiiig hoiutp, iioulevard; your is roy Ditca. iiVVXiiilt, 14tA) Bekar-Detwilet Bldg. 114U9.

Mao Bernardino, foil BECHAKOB CLEAR 10 AI RES, ottage, large barn. Uant bunaalowa. ana. ottiriAutit, an uranb ctl'Jg. tkAititf.

San Fernando Tall ay. roa 60 are fine Teral Urrf, alopini to ttie snulli, located near the foothills wtet of Nn reruando the orange and Vrnon district in the San Fernando Val-. ley. This is a part of the enosen lends, choaro. years as- by the ohi Miwtioa attiers becauea of thair enpptior tihtoata eonditions, toe beauty of afnic enrround-Inys and the richnwe of the afltl.

The atT is i-iped on the high aids for trri-aatioo or domestic use. it is alo plowed and ready for erop. The i deep, rtrh loam-With goo draioafie. I'rii'ed by owners at the very lmt prir.a of JHiO pet five sesr old lem-. on groves am selling for $16u0 per aera ii tni lornlity.

How ean you rnaJie tiioney faster than, by planting to leuiona and to heiina and outer crops between, the trees, (Vir Ave Inquire of iioWARl) 4 BLTrtilBAl'OH. i3 B. Hill Uie Atigelea. rrn sale hatvworih. sVt acres anf ae floe land sa esn be found outdoors.

Two houses, barn, ete. Part in ar ricots and lemons, balance ready for anythirur. 20 acres, 10 ia young lemons. House, barn, ate. 10 aeres.

on the bmilersrd. (17 aTea of full bearing apricofa. 4 14 srres of young aseorted trees. 41.5 seres, adjoining rhataworth ReserTotr. All of ilnwe profwrties are in or around Chatav worth.

Owens Riter water for all l. P. UOODOTN. e-IPBt. lOOO Centnil gldf.

mm MM? TH1 FINEfT LA.NR My rrs). nando Valle, 6. lit, 20-af-Tv tract, oow nnder -dtiratiop; hea.tttfutiy close to foit-inll: abundance of watat: to pit gjere; eaey ternrtt Oner. J-4 liVR.vi1' Hl.lxi. fpR A IK reBNiNIio.

VALU.Y. liOOO, lerel lAirt, under eili.taon, and irrigation, liar sere and up, nthintr bettfr in vsller, tr will pay you to inrestigata tliat, OWNER, 4W 8: Bill; Mm'NTAIN. CATfTON I'ROP'Ty A A FoSal, Exchange, Eta. FOR SAM 20 ACBES IN MILLER'S TANTOS, only miles from Hollywood, higu and aightlv. flood auto boulevard, Dow building.

Only $:00 per acre, adjoining land sotd yenr. ago for MH i-er acre. 33 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. jTASTKBPf, NOIiTHEMV PROP'TT For Sale. FOR SALE ANYONE DKlROt OF Pl-RrHA-ing cattle or in Idaho, L'tah nr sera la, writs F.

k. RH KbY, room Atlas Block. 5it Lake CiU', LUii. For Exchange. FOR ltSf HANGt -SKi acre in fcfcn Iflis Valley, (vlorado, with foil water right.

Price 5H5 lr acre, two miles from Alamosa aiso lesiaence in rasaocna. own. ef will take Los Angeles ioooute or euutnern tali' tenia lauds. TJ. THOMPS0V, IIP K.

toioradti tal. FOR SCSI Oil salk 320 At RKS of rholce. level land, sandy loam soil, located on ream line southern facile Railroad, near Ca (iraode. Aril. llj) aere cleared.

Also oa b'JO acies near this land. Want Long Bench, Loa Alleles or Hcilrwood ajts; pretcrLoug fclescu. F. J. OOODRKH, tasa (Jrande, axis.

ttilt kX HAVNtik' ACRib IN LOGAN ror.V ty. Kansas, 40 acres in ei'ltirkticn, shallow to water, gol aeitioo, price $lo per acre: rant a small truit ramn t-ainoinia. a. a. liip-TON.

with Tonnicnd-Vaudewaur Jul W. Ocean Long Beach. FOR FXI.HANOF. IflT, rRsal ANO CLKAR. Hritili tolumtua, Vamouer.

Warned e-pilty himnalow. Zr lom ntJr B'Vton. V.antcd -omty whittier. aH in Livell. to n.

Wanted rqnitr ia buugaiow. LRANT ICR FXCHANiiK "I XtLk: PtLL MOLS TFB ine arnle orchard, Pecoa Valley, Mew Mexiea, S5 res 18-yeriid. tlj acres la alfalfs. good builiiHigs. clear, tiSMW; wtut arui'enta or btwincs.

Will assume. PLL, ia tona ruauy ntug. FOH l.M U.INO" -O Al Rtt, IrHIOAN. FlS- ent e(jil. near (p-id town and late.

In big pouturj coionv. ciar. tx-ciianc for real estate in S'lutiieru taiifornia. rtyfre 0. S.

timvs OFFH'K. ion nkar Citnamin, Oray Kansas, for eouotrr et.ire with small tra-t raoo ear line. Address hr iim.s Ltrrtir. Hi EXCH IMS- F-U4TH, IMOMh 1 15 A aiontii. Wart Seattle asnt or a home.

Ad' bof 1 OFHi tuR rXCHANOH -HOOM (fiBNFR lak -rh 2 lot. Wanted piouerty in. Bear yew Irrr. a rTfTT.V (NfiK TWO AM ILY FLAT IN flfv tioit. tor nat soutaweeb aT4 IMUANLE-MOl -E ANp InT IV fPO- saee.

tor pr'-ny nera. rhone HfM-LWOi fM'J. 1. Il THIR r'OVtRXMi NT LA.VnS and KelinqnNhmenta. BinTvyt I'HMINT FOR (HUD.

3 r.iMiiy of waler, 4tt miles trm ta A kf ti 'uared. but o-e a-da. td ls-d. owawr. t'LOVN LR FT Loa I ABS tA KMJMii'liiH ff.

P' mi -riiiineitns. UPON I'KKhFN 1'ATION 0 ISal OF UUUll A. Tl Meaiber toa Antel gca Frst-usca Stock Fvluntes. -81 1. iV BELLMAN RI)(1.

UE llL'Yr l.tberty Bond, aiso Baok B.ipia Quotati -na tcdav. first S' per 6104 21. Tiurd 4 t-4 ps osnt. ICS .13. All other is.ii-a ucmcii on requeat, J.

birch A CO. Owed ps-iMr spnpf. WE PAY I CASH. FULL VALUE for jcur LIBERTY BONPS. No -ommuaion charges, Psitly paid baud sou le-ceipta bought tr cash.

DIAS10ND PALACtt, AM S. Main, Stgo of ti. Street Clock. until every evening. UBERIY BONDS BOltlUT, TOP Pltltii, K'O PB-lay.

ROYAL h(. 40b S. Hill, auita 'MO. And WANTED EITHEB TO Sl. BIX TUNOST1N claii.ta.

adjoining a divitleud-payincat mins, or will nonsider giving inuueal fur tha money to install nc-esMif luaclunery. LEO. HAtMAN, Piioeoix, Ant IRWNO ft CO AsSAYk'RS AND HOLD BUYIMti Mlnea examined 7ti a. SPR1NO hT, II OTELS, KOOMIXG-HOt'SES For Sale, Kirhnnge, ease, Wanteel. For Sala.

FOR BALE FAMILY YIOTEI CLOSB iu. Vstiake dwti'ict. Permanent, high cla patrotiaas'. Oroea in, one per moiiUi; SloiXI with tt-ilgsg lor bJlanre, will handle A-drssa ouner, .18. TIMES PITH E.

VlLL PRIt BITS 20 ROOM3, tingle and near Hsinliuriet's big store; floe brick leas root only 63.50 room, aaiiy terms. Pvn rail lo see this mooey- sker. tallHOMB INV. 3u0 Orant Bldg. FOR KALE HOTEL, COHNER.

BRICK, tine fiinutnie and carpeta, every room occupied: gniund floor kihliv money maker, full price RYAN ft aTANLLY, 4ltr-H Oram -log, -U-J. -SIS. FOR AIU4T0kr II ROOMINO-house, fnrraiAhed, near Sih and slower, barn for aula, lear. Prue 6450 caeh, A-drasa bol 034, TIMI 3 -RANCH OiTICE. FOR KALS MOST KXCLU-IVB IN 1M- portant city to anwiua.

tor aala k-UDiistiea 18 years. Always lull, Addrssa 0, box 2-6, iaii r. FOR SALE YOU W'AXT MONEV HFRIti Isi A house that win get It for you, and 6ot gives vyo-aa-dori, full pnee 61400; it's 4. rooms, and Sll outsioe. 4Po g.

H1U K. 4VS3. HUi. fOB BALK I HOIfTl. HOLLYWOOD, 28 rooms, large lotahv, select patroasga SALE.

344 S. Bill st FOR SALE FAMILY HOTEL. 81 ROOMS. FU1 looonie 6700 to tooo 6-500. Uiiat Cheap tot aiiMM, O-sut FOB SALF--OffbOM ROOMrNiTnOU-E, CHEAP.

720 I fiTH ST. Broadway 6sM. FOR SALE ROOM TRAX-lEsfHItUSE. CJQE to P. Depot.

884t, K. 5TH ST. HALF INTEREST, 6uOO. SO-BOOM FURNISHED mitoi, clears ssto mo. i.ttisir iquu.

FOR PAf- 27 Roni VEAR F-Frt AS Oliva, lease. OWNER, Main 3035. For Exchange. FOR FXrtfANO- NFTW 90 ROOM PR1CS: HO tol, Mar business center. Price 6T.5.0O0, income 9 1400 monthly.

Will tare $78,000 eyehange. P. BEACH, "10 Merchants Trust Bldg. Main 88. Fcm FTXCHANliE FOR RANCH.

flKO. MARSHALL. 1-3 W. Ava 67. Oar' tau 154S.

-No conimiasioo. For I.eaae. FOn LEAST? FOB BIOR CLAfJ BOARD TNO-bouse, 16-roora unfurnished house, ia exclusive West Adams district Si (to per mo. F.DWARB D. SILENT ft 735 S.

Hill. 10895. FOR LEASE 22 BOOMS AND IS! ROOMS. BOTH unfurnished,! a No. Mc.iRitY, 112U-.

Wanted. WANTED HOTEL BUILDINO TO near businees center, must ba clean and up to date. See MR. YEAGEB, Mgr. House and Lot WEATHERHOLT REALTY 745 tf.

Bdwy. Third floor. Phone 15.02, WANTEDHIRE FT BN I SHED ROOMINOHOI'SE. hotel, good tenant waitiug. PHOENIX, 35- 6.

Broaaway. WANTEl J.EASB ON HOTEL. MODERN IN Every 0 to 100 rooms, call in person. MR. WALDEN, 909 Van Nun Bid.

WANTED FOR CASH. FURNITURE AND FUR-niahings for 75 looms, or suy portion thereof, for out-of-town hotel, PHONE 75550, room JUO. APABTMENT-HOLTSE( For Sale, Exchange, I -ease. Wanterl. Fop Mala.

FOR SALELEASE AND FURNISHINOS MOST attractive and unique apartment-bouse. Wil-ahire district, new butldirig. can prove eouctu-oively house paying 00 p-r certl. on the in-te-ttne-tt; varied interests in eastern corporations demanding owner's necessity sell. Opco lease; bauk reference- solicited.

No SRenlt Addreas W. 870, TI.MESI BRANCH OFFICE, FOR BALE $1600 HANDLES ft ROOMS. MliD-ein apartments, iuat off W. Se-enth: very beautifully furnished, flue h-hy. sUIkui heut.

bsihs. lesse rent only tl room; clt-rs 6178 today, also has cleared nearly aa much all last suuuner: very low price. See this high claas lisv. auv ursnt BlOg. FOR 'ALE A REAL MONEY MAM -AT A sacnfl' S.

located ai -ruiient-house. 60 rooms snd 22 spsiunents; filled the year round with permanent guests. Wiit give long ieaie. Some cash, balance terms. Failing health demands, immediate action.

Principals only. Call im.NK, Main FOR t.sLr -3 YEAR LEASE AND FUMED OAK furniture of St-room tnodervi apartoKnt-hotise. Comer building, clot, in. West side, all out-fi'lo rooms. Private batlia l'lauo.

Bargain 6-ilPO, terma. Oite phone number. No ag-nte. Address uog ItiO, TIMES 06FICE. St-iR KA1.E Ft'BMTL'BU AND LEASE OF trails located auai -tnient-houae.

Will irriflce for cash. Income uionfeblv over $7fiO. Let me ariotu, you tliw haritatn. For pat'tiriilaTI call at the "HIU-H Ai AHtM h.N in, oW ttwiingtoa. at Owner FOR" SALE DOWNTOWN APART ME NT If OU modern, firat-oiatis fuiuiflhings.

IPS rooms; rent 65.50 per room; always full; clears $4o0 month; 4 1, too smau o-iance leims. rnoue (121 XS. FOR SALE $1250 HANDLES ft) BOOM APTS. Strictly t'uroiaheii. beaullful west aide hxsuon, large porches, ciearuig gluu wa.

A anso. ITHHOW BURROWK. 7- S. fljiring St. FOR sale: 57 ROOM APaHTMENT, WALKINO distance, west, nirdcrn, all sunny, nicely rurniDO-a, ntnt nojo.

tun prue s-u, leruat. AN ft STANLEY. 410 Grant Bldg. a FOR S.ALE 3 STOHY MltUHtN BRfcK APVK'f- uteut-liouso: laiae lot: toaw in. near sivt snd Pixel s'a; good incLBie.

W. k-SRUa, Bclg For sslu s.crh:te. substantially fi Tt- nlshed apt hotel, block tell Wesllska band stand: luxurious home snd get hacsytull amoiut first year llearn reason.) Plinne Owner, W1L. 210. oil Sau -ati VENU "ONE (HI TH.

ItKfcf- piying and most- att.t'i."tive l-roiup aiartmerjt-lioues sfi the beach, each aparcment baa Tiaw of the w-aa. EAJILE. stjrv, )B psiJ- 72 rooms, oi tjihe sunw mostly singles. BMT VA1XF. IN THE ulTV.

let us shdw you, 1). u. L1N0LB 726 FOR 8AI.F i-'BOOM IAPTS.) WEST BIDE. Rent, only $125: clearing $ik mo. Strictly mod-in: price only f-0uO.

It's a batgain. WlTHItoW ft 7r S. Ptirlna FTR SALE SMALL ST. OUSlD CON- ditlon, walking dUtsnt-e, ca tatrgain, or barf cash, balance terms. Consider good auto.

Apply 1PI1 SAN J( LMV Pdw. 4-M, FOR JOTE-AR L'pTasf, FOR A 8- etory, 71-rooro, elegantly fumtshed large, lchoy and sua room, -vary aiisl--meotrep 'ed 5ft' tse, FOR SA-J-iO BO11M FINK Fr TnR rretty lobby; house full; dady loeatioa. 6144 WET PHO. FOR HALF FL'RNIll RE AST) tl ROOM APART-ment house, alt (11 led ail P-o2. For eswe, FOR 8Af.Fl APARTMENT-HOC-E, ROfiMS.

1241 W. fT4, Aft" ranged renting rooms, hottsesee.plng spsrtmevirs. VlRM-HKD LATS For ftala, Eyehange. Wi antael. WANTED TO BUY FIR.MTURS AND LEi-K.

6 or apartment, for roomers, walktng dis-tsnoe. Must be bargain spot cash. Addrtaa oox I'lMs OtFU E. 1M S1N--KS IN ESTMENTS zZiZ VIE ARE FINfNt INQ THFJ PURCHASE OF A small movir siptftt(e for p.t to trsd. along tha et of Mexico.

cndo-tms cater an opportunity here to join in the ett-r-tiar-'O-nt. eat a prrn.ane-'t and esceed-lugly iw-tita 'le I -feeaa of growing Importance, Interests are diiitle-i 'nto alriall nnlts. so as to remit of ipvtim-iit of soma as st-stl a. VU). Tide to he ri-'ered vt u.

8. Custom, 'a rPaois trustee until fnfl return of r-nnriple and interest. Nra pjoinotioo. bo hidden ppts. every business lis prscaotiosi.

taken ta fully saie-uard all partiss. Faming frr-m sources ex-eed is eeot. ia. lest.igstion and ifov-eots A r.r IPC-. PHSNTH Orpti Wf Ffi PABTNFR.

"WITH tirri.PrV, TO TSirE is, in g-iog mswnfannrtnt sed saies l-mrrm. hee in l.os Angetaa. ran expect go rr.sse tl'-'" per year fir his share of profte. Fit lest Invest igfieo Invited, A-orass boa Ii sVlNTlli Msii.R. FINVCslraj uavinq c.rfiii'r Investigated leal ronditiona oeiires loi.vst a m.n -oh li.nii Inm in rrgaa'ai'tg 4 sev-twitisa tsi s'wl h.

ref" Aidreea I. tux 1a. ojH(J BUYS' 4lFfNtV4. tit trn ii wc.y. -01 CB4.M kL.

INVE'T IN THB aFRT 6I0C-B1TT IN ANY country. You can pnnhsse a munUilj Incwns fi Vour wife or t'hiPirxii tvither tt a lifetime fir for 20 veers, sbouU tlis boneflclary die, the will lie paid in one siuu to the estate. You can buy 650. 6100. jsi or a nionrii while if nl la-come totally disalded you will raceive either of such sums sa lour as you sra sloe, witlitmt sny for what Hie beneficiary Is It'siireA for.

Better still our preiaiuoia cease. Could safer rrutscuon procured! Tiie ipouenva is siiu ms-uif ss nsvoc -tctire a r.licy while in healtti, pest month may be to lale. Will giie further at an interview. 1 1 ply FftA.Nh SKXTvi.S, 11 J. art an agent niT-senting the pa-ifii; Mutnal.

Los Angeles, Will i-ill to iioine or orhce, city of coitrttrv Phone Mam ls-p: iPttm WA Vf i'A. EH si IN HilT.lV I I. '1 In tuanuracturiiig stresdy eaiaimslted. win niase a nne inve.ticenc as well aa give very remunerative ltoauicp ituneratlve poauicp-. tins is no act-rkh atid only those who mcun htptness apply.

ft. box 4. TIMF'4 BRANCH 01 -H K. LNA FsT YOl MONEY IN ONVKR rinlji ILT edge sei'tirtt ies. paying better than 15 pel cent.

No risk, b-st inveatnietoi in fvg Angeies. Bltik ref. furnished. FRANK BURT, lod- 81 flran'1 sveniie TJt'SINESS CHAXCKS OfMiiny Klnda. 6750 BUYS HJ-ttOOH EAR, AM- Imrger'a store, eatnuic nk-e inooma; new building.

Mlcelv ftirulslied, atrittiv clean. 42 pn, west side, luick reasonable rent, gywd lease: can piore inc-uie aud ar-isiire terpis to ni't 2 FLFl.AXTUY FfRNlsTIFD. large, aiir apta. elears ostw an tiilr; steady tenants: a real largmn price; aouie tetTfie. EDWARD P.

SILENT A (O. TS S. B11J-UlUM F.Kl" MEN. W'o'NDf IIUUI, BSKOAIN; (1I1O- ceries. now doing lo daily, satMolaya g-50 lav mv-w-te priHmeitson; beautitul corner sttire: best lease in cttv.

(all Ml Delta 420 Si BU-ISESS INV. CD. wasted- Piivry "to take one half inti r- eel in sillo-lnlck cxptsss busineea. Have Pne Stand ami good Ci-itracls on hand lor hauling, Imeetnieiit r-juired tae-Uieu.) Call MAC, joe SALE A WIOD prviNii UP TO PATH ORO-ccry spjre. no cui for 6 blocks all 4 ways; rent S10; 1375 or inventory; no ftxturee 10 buy.

Moneia aia, car to tioia thu 3 blocks wrM, PUBIHASES rtVx'f MUIPPF.D STtlRAtlE garage, gaol ns gtati.m. best, downtown loratiyn, tt floors ami basem*nt: clearing $500 monthly. Aoply 611 HELTA 420. a. cprtng.

Btiainesa Inr. faiKX), JRBMsf AND soda fountain, a Vtter location you cannot find fa California; big cash business, immense profit Apply fill Delta 4-11 Spittig. nnsiness invesTrneux, to. WITHfl-U- YOU CAN MAKE THIS 000, handling from office, article in great de-msnd. lovest-igste If you are looking for real legiiimsta opportuoity.

lade or gontlsman. Address t. hex MO T1MF BBAN1H OFFICE. A OOINO A NU A 'TUR I 0 CONCERN iilnHT here In Ixia Angeles, making money, desires more cspital to taks care of iucreaseti bunaess. Will stand closest luvsstigatioa, Addreas X.

Bag 155, TIMES OFFICE. roR HAI.B llR EiCHASOB TIMES AND EX-anxlnar rouie. town snd eountry route, wdta Ford machine or without, clearing net glut) per month. Adireaa B. 0.

XMJUi-UtlRTY. -ar-den Csl. 6425 PUUcHAsES BEST BOTEi. ClOAB WAND In this city, tfg atot-k, losr rent: owner must no flxtnrea to btiy. Apply Ml Delta Rldg.

420 S. Sonrg. BU8INT. INV. CO.

iSOO PDRCHASES BUSY CIOAB sund, cbesp rent, good money maker: best bsr- gsin In town. BU-IMESS INV. 611 Delta 4'-tl a. spnng. TSB BOMFSMITHS, A PAiNTlN'O AND repair bustnese, 82P7 Wsshlngtoei for sale at a baigam price.

Opportunity for practical man to gain a foothold. 62200 ANP LUNCH ROOM, clearing $15 daily above eitcn9e; rsut only 6-! check It for yourself; come see. -MM ft STHAWjl. 8.2T t-Ctirlly Bldf. 671-1 Oil." STATION BUYEHS.

LOOK. SEB this SPECIAL BARUAIN, oil station, posltlvett clearing $35 week. Call today. 811 DE'LTA 42fl Spri-g. Business IPt, Co.

LUNCH COUNTER, OLD ESTABLTstfEIv, fine downtown loestion: cheap renti doing a Hg brisines.s, inveetiirste vhis bargsia, Addresa box 807, TIMES '61750 POOL BALU 6 POOL TABIJTS, 1 RUe lisrd table, cigar flxturea; SStJO stock; Una trai-ll fiuhurran tiwn; sacrirl'-e price. CLINK ft y.RAW.N, B27 Security Bldg. ttim i'niiertaker wanted to purcHas half intert io furniture and undertaking rit-ineas. So. Aria town no eompettuou meet owner st (TINE ft STHAWV, 627 seruritv Jtldg.

PROS-TaTK SlTTr'RKRS, TO READ Ota AN- tinder No drugs. THB FUEI TROTH KRMAL 110-A Harrison Steuhenville, 0. WANTED -A MAN EXPERIENCED IN A OEN- eral store -iisiBesi, tficloding groceries, to op-ersle in a flr-'t class locality: tiurst have money to invest, 830 VAN NUYS BLPtl. $550 TAKES Uls'CH ROOM, D01NO $50 DAILY hualnrvis: horseshoe counter aud tabl-t; man aud Wife can handle; living-r'xuna. CUINE A 527 Sectirity Bldg.

AND liRY OOODS bTORB fit Hollywood, present owner established 10 years; retiring man pusinesa, ppantirut fixtures, g.uou. BUSINESS SALE, COMPANY, 814 FOR HmM MlLLiSEHY AND iRESSMAKiN. srestt, small shop, with a sll cash busi-fieas in svicsl osiportunity for right party: mut sell at once. Ptiot-e liutlT. $1000 (K1AS STAND AND 8-CHAIR BARPVB snop.

busy location, clears over 4'si niontn euitahle fur hsrber or cigar man, easy tinns; rent sis. call s-ti tprttig. BusiNKss fob sale'. fTu.y ciuipiied, good location or can move eipiiitinviit, 62-i0l, half cash, terms. H.

MILLER, 06 S. Fair Osks. Pasadena. b7-TA-RANT iilS ATTENTIONI SUBURBAN rsstauraiit. niodem every respe.1, positively irg flOPO cash weekly; genuine sacrifice 311 PITT B1.PH 42H S.

Spring. Puetiie--s In. ck POOL, BiU.MIH- AND CI OA STORE. 7 A- blea, riasTtng S150 rent $05; 2 years' leaas. price 61400; ene 628PO fo equip this plsee I all 007 8.

ILUjt! hwoJI IX $10110 AND VUP.VIClis. WANTED CIIRIs'ITaS man in proetable eetahlished maiiufacturtng business, exie'ri-tice nnnei i-sary. Audreys B. boa 502, Tivir.a HR'NCHi OKFIlEi -Sfio UET ilf'ATED DOWNTOWN LUmTS room, easily worth scats 22; rent 6r5; clears tronthlj. INV.

ull Delta s. Soring t. BtKERY OOODS AND fl'SCIH'S IN PUBLIC MAR-kit, avers-iitg 630 daily; g.od profits; rsasoiialiie rent: price 6S0O; a real bamaln. EDWARD RJHtUe BEST uiCATfON TN city, near Broadway: owner going out of busi-riaes, will ell veiy iheap. Addiees box 680, TIMESBR.CH aJilaiuT pr'Bi'liAri WKI1 LOCATED OAIIAiTii, stiaouitelv clcanne monllr.

fine eiputi-tnsnt; rent onlv 650; plenty ttorage. 511 Delta 421 apnng. BI slSEsti INV, CO. RESTAURANT AND LI-NTHROOM. BROADWAY liwati-n, rent clearing $00 weekly; beet snap in Is Angeles today, rnuat go at 4.

JLHIJ.L. jv.oin -toft tlMIO T4KFS DUCEMBF.R STfORAtVE slope y15. ctnplo.s 3 nicitianlce: g.ssi location. (LINE A si AWN, 7,27 Security. Bhlg.

CONFEt'TloVl RV IN rio'lNii 649 dailv- Ir.vol' pri-e $30X0; terms. WMtiy PAIT 344 f. SPLLNDll' Ol'E sTv; FOR (iotlS MIOEMAK no eat'ital veouitsd, just rent iuquire 1101 wT.tTur.y ave. WANTED MAN tilt WOMAN fo LEARN THB corset htisinr-ti and siart cornet B. Nut tl a Jutt-' tia-Kk le.

FOR FA I.E fiTf A BUSli ED VI If ASlZlNri "Business on good comer; ptice reasonable; goiug to Nevada. AlocvJ AVV 0 ORTicKrlT-sii meat vYarket. lyoisr; cash husineaa- al-o my tiome. Ahottt $10,000 to handle B. CRAMER.Shernian.

CsJ ANTE1 -4 "-OOlTsHOB KEF.UirTilAN FOR A ptacc. shtttlld have bis own tools. Call mo VAN Nl VH 111.1)0. fOB SAUK- ON OF KNTSS, OIIOD liay, reuaipai.t. trt bef town, chap.

Address K. 257. TlAtl OEtll F. FOR tLP IBoTKBY sfoiil-', LCKATED ON gvt e'rn. I.

neap hut. goM trattc. Rill iceaitc.ui tl. 1'Mtie m.T 7130. ISARiVal 64 5(1 Tsil Bl'YS RDOM OV Broatlesv, tearing 20tt monthly, bee BUSi- NE.s SAI.ESJ 0-.

Hi 4 Hill at. E-Tf AV LAI N-RY, OM.Y ONE 14 large town, sa-ticce sc ount of fstlmg bealUl, O. o. CONFM TIOM BA. ll'NfH AND riELIl ATreSI.N, ehat.

gl.nai- If w'd tcdav. dears WfeMy. lii'to- (iAASER. Jslig. F.sf tilt ANl-INt; nes- invoice atsrft M-u at heavy dwt- vnt'D 3P2- UtviNO on i ro Vei oro.

eery m. rccst warket an HV. earlf Sai ihout 610.0O. phono vVILfiHIBE 6s((. 8T7tPTiK.

1,1.1 EN. CRUIERY Ei'R SALE, 7TH ST. OOINO 6W DAY: A WONKY MAKER. W1IL DI-CiUNTFITI'RF4. KIwf ArriTsT CIEABINfJ "'A'0 MONTHLY', rent "J': must sell, otg ana $7(alCall DELTA 420 t.rirg.

61510 "bFyR PRlN'USi; hop. ikes-es, ft log big l.tsfiiesv, tlesri'tg 620 moothl). Bl'al Xr4 FA1.F st.l. ABI.rt lUOT jote.y st's-k snd flLulcs, corn- tJlST AND -AM PFIIKO STS MI ST SF.iX THI tAKEh. SH(.

El THII shoe rrt.sinrtg shop, rs.v reacVitucry. bceln-es, heap rent. Outer. VEBM'iST F(1H AUTOMOpli f. REPAIR ellnP FQI IP- rncnl isUe, dtill shaltihg and m-tor.

ST.fa IN'T'IN FT lt.RSALE slltlWi -t-s, srt.s 1.II NTUSS. isrgrst stock in ti AW. RR snot( AF ft FiMl HE CO. 310 3'ttla L-MIJejr- 2 rrifa aet. HAT 'HUP IN PT "srfoiTINil ft.

tncl vs-Y i csh e-mp Fa. Adattss box flAIV4 PRAN't HOrt ICE Cl-isa BITM "nANT IN tewn l'-Ol-l l-ii W. fTVtfi rlMtatid. tit KUco-. Ctccu ('' i op yni'LimT tik systvy.

snd to il riprttv ss rerre- aee's-ive nioir Al rVA0 RrT4vBANT POI.I Y- Sofvi aie''reeru, i now. Owner 'rg Fa" ITw. NTt. d-i-uoo or Vn" in, pvf in 8 tM si ed ae tv- s-'e-ty itvnma A-'d T. v-ox 77.TIMroriIIR iri tH a- --si, ON ONE f.

'AN si. T.i 3H vr normal. CLOYD ft CI Mail VIS, 551 A Keal Kaiata and) lmnrnrenatrata. TO IKt.utat ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS, bOOKUTlfS) LNV. 10..

1WJ UlOiiin llidi. Balarlrs. Cliattela and AutomobUea. LOAN; MADB OX BOL'SnnOLD fl SNlTURE AND piucB security left io your reeldeuce. We also loan oo Victro'aa.

autorrKirslaj, diafiiovida and jewelry alid anything ui value. Ia ratas. oual. No eudoraars. delai, PROVIDENT PLF.DOB M0RTOA0S COV1PA.NT, Sl'J Colon Oil

comer 7th aud Spring ata ALTO LOANS 7 PER CENT. INTEREST. Cet ac.ptaiiiled wu.ti BllilOv'TT a-d hs liberal auto ii.aa stcni. piat like s-iug to Pans for accommodations, same courteous consideration, arivacy and actuate dealiitg, jour ptifhieiue csre-fully eowidere.1, snd met, no mortgstjea or other tapers puhliclj retonleil. Of coiicpe you ride aa usual.

14-51 CONSOUUATkU BkALTI inh and Hill. if.TO lAYANS AND ASSISTANCE Are your psmsnta too hignT Aia you back la your payments Could yau use some ready casht Ihj you wish to eaohauge carsf Does aon-sliodf want your car! If so. u. W11.1. uisriFN.

60737. 1113 S. Olive at, Main 6S4T. YCe dautoniohilerepalring for leas. FMmtsluuaw, private homes preTttrrsd.

Money same day. Easy parmeBta, All btawrieaa strictly private, av Our satisfied elicule our rsccsnmendstioo. Security left in vour os-ion. .447. Bdwy.

MS. LOAN DEPARTMENT. Suite UNION OIL BIAXL, Lea Angelaa AUTO UiAN'S ON YOUR CAR IN Ara you pstiino on your paymenta? we csn assist you to iwtr it oS on easy installment-. LAKKUR BROS. FTNANCK Formerly at Hollywood, now locsted at 1410 Rnker-Detwlley 4i W.



in hibbk-MAK 1.1X3 4th and Spring Loans To p.oi'i. steadily employed. 4IM AAB cor. betenUt and Broadway. DlamoBda asMl Jewelry.


Privata room. KErr.ii.Nft any hank, hotel or lewelrv firm. Dlanda kept Beluuao Bank safe deposit vaults. No ttitarepresentatlon. No charity, but legitliaate.

KUSiL IfiAN COMPANY. S09-7 asjuoa Third and Spring. F3-Oa. QUICK AND LHllilUL liOAFia ON DJnON, JEHEUti ana libuiti au.s Tntarest 1 per eent Irlaaiotsds kn la separata sealed package In fault af attsene Natkmal Bank. We are shaoluteiV reanoDsibie and rettsote.

Rink vwterenrea. nrtvata rooms, business sr.rictly ooufldentiaL 10 years ta same loeatioa. FRl'X-IH. LAuOHLLN. snlta 710 orsnt js.w.

cur. 4'h snd Bmsdwar. Phone laB8. MONEY TO L0AfON llAMONPS, JEWTTLBY, lararrty Bonds, pearls, silverware snd other valuable ankies. Pleuges kept ia bank safe deposit tsuI'j.

Courtesy, fair treatment and confldance are our buiineea polkiet. Private rooms fof 'our oenvemeBce. Intereev, 1 per cent naoBut luick scuoo. Liberal loans. Keforeacsa.

MARKWRLL ft 800 flthtena National BaaM Sth and Hprlng ata. Phone 167-1 CONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds, jewelry and Liberry Bonds. Tow rate of interest. IVurnifnre. pianos, phono graphs, automobtlea in storage.

Reliable; 0 yeara til businuss' bank references. PROVlll'lNT LOAN ASSOt I ATIO.N, 40 lnvarlmeut tth and Broadway Phone V.lfr.'. ftfONEY WAXTini Real Fstatg and foUnte-rnla. a 17500. LOT 6olS.

Location SIB rtgusroa at will pay 7 par tent, 6 years: hank value PETER NOLAN ft tinioB on rtiog. WANTED TO BORROW. FOR 80 TO 90 PAYS, SicO on my tounng car, vslued at about gtsio. will give ,100 for use of money, party loaning the money eouhl aUo have n-v of the car. 4 to 5 dtvs a week.

lotld WRiOUT ft C.i-LiXNDER BLDO wanted money, stt.ouo: wanted to take up equity of on property, worlh half a million, splendid opportunity for larse profit, pun o'ltrol gilen. Addreas Box 75, T1MI1S or' 'HT, ANTE $70,000, 7 PFR ON TRACT, conscrvativelv w.trih 1345.010; mllee from rtty. Bouua for partial releasee. Going proposition. Must set immedUOrly.

Address bog LIP. T1MEH OFFICE. WANTED MONEY. WE HAVE AN APPJJCA-tion for a kian of glB.Ouo at 7 lief cent oo a Srst-clsat income property with eycellent man on note. Principals only.

Bee MR. GBEISN, C. Albright 601 Mer, National Bank BHt, WANTED 1 10. 000 ON S. FitlUEROA ST.

CORNEA to huiPl two white plastereii flat buildings snd guragea. Income 240 month. Value COO. Insurance ,15.000. BUCHANAN, 14S.

WAN-TETi SHOO. 7 PER 8 OR 6 rwitldina loan, security more than double. 004 WASHINGTON RT.TM1. 1SS18. Evenimrji and Sun days, SOOT HUNTINOTON 8Tiart7.

WAN'TBD KWKXt. 7 PER ON tv city acreage, worth SW.OOO. Osroer, fl04 wash-rsxTON 1.S1. suodnys god eremnga, ftmr7 HTNTINflTrvN WANTED MONET fsfitXt. FIRST MORTOAnE.

8 years, 6 per ou large WPshiro district comer lot, aire ii'oil'iO; yaiue 65uU Phone CHAS. rEl.TS, 05105. WANTED MONEY, fSSflb. YEARS. 7 PHI on modem 2-story house, value S7tsi0.

N. Heliotrope drive From CHAS. FKI.TS, rtOlfti. principals only. WANTED TO BORROW 7 PER West Adams reeidtuce, owner'a home.

344 S. HILL 14MM. BUtlMS. WANT F.D 1 5 ,000. CIAI.S IN PROPERTY, NO a tent at a per cent.

Addrata box 2-tl, timf. on-ice. WANTED ilSPO, SSPflO. tlO.OOO. GOOD realty uncurl ty: country and etty.

Write own-ER. 800 H. W. Hfiiroaa Bldg. Wilaliire WANTED -700O.

F'IRhT MORTOAUK. AT- tier on improved double corner ia on WnsJihi-tnn st, bet. Hoover and Vermont, Value ReSIMoaible owner, (all A4-W). VVANTED 64 VP) BY OWNUJl, mosTpnixciPAL only, on 10-nsim modern home in best lot s-tioh, Hoitth P.ia''cna: no conimiswionS, Address box 6-9. TIMES BRANCH OFFICE.

WAN'iED-P0 8 YEARS. 7 PER CENT. QI.AR-tcrl,, 5 rot owner's home. OiJt toVe. Principals only.

Main tOUL FRED U. bMITU, lli'l Iniestmect BKh. WAXTF.D S-iKTO, 7. SR. RF.S g.triPO 7: res replacing bank loan tK.iOo 4tff 7 Burbank ruch, Owner's"0 144,1.

1 -Al'tcij, IjJsU'r r.i'.K. WtS'TKD 8 PER CF.NT ON TWFI.VE flat bio'di-ie, tallied 3501 on -fat tHlned $c10. Addrfsa bol 638, T1MK6 BR(JITOTIC WANTED ON NEW APARTMENT-ROUST, elegantly furnished, 73 rooms, Income S-50 per month; per cent, no commission. 590oti, WANTED 000, PER CENT FIRST mortgage, properly actually worth 6100,000. Makers rVnan-'ally reepnnsihle.

6-105. YT'a? Sfioo-, Krr note lywot. inconie no commissinn, arp.i'nt- metit onic w. J. FILLf T.

Olo union on Hl'g. W'ANTF 12 ROOM MODEIIN HOI 'ft. garafieT nrner W. 24Lh, BEBRELEY FULAB-. wiHtiire WANTED- SlS'lO RUNKWAL 1lAN OS 2 Bt N-giilows, 50-1-0.

838 Cl'f. BANK BLDO. 6240, Owner. 7 PER 8-ROo'M BTUlt T. ly mo-1cin re-ldence, acithwest.

Paved -tieet. Vsltte r-iUMJ. Phone p-ASIfrs Mi. OWNER 8 MODF.RN BROOM rstngalow lioroe. fruit frees, flowers.

S.CIS FAIR Grant Bldg. Pico 3-54. tsANTEti OH? OR 2 1550 IOAN9 ON LOTS, near Western snd puss, ft' tNTED S-100 ON NEW HOUSES, ANNUAL rent 4o. two E. yoTn wr.

eo. WASTE r35lO, tlOI.LVWOOD, ROOM "A-Ort ern house, girage. Beliotrope 7riie. WANT Ell 2H tlfal. 3 BLANCH Prt Estate, room R' Temnla Block.

Phone fit-OO. WAN1FD MilNFY FOR SELECTED MnRTOAOT. PACIFfC MOHTtiAoE 124 4TH. ll-HS. rORTGAGESt, TRl'KT DEEDS WANTED 1 BUY F1BNT AND MORT-gages, trust deeds, reel estate contrscts.

I hsndle my own fends; no oorrrotion to pay; esn furnish the money itrtnediateiy without eerie SABLE. O. NOURSK S33 fentrsi Sivth sod Main. Phooe JS500. run tAT.r tivaiA lv cn.T.rriiiF.

PtPfcR. 7 Pt'iR cent, intev-st, 10 per cent, disceuot party has got to raise some money, CTOCKS AND BONDS Mlarellaneena. LIBERTY BONDS. W. SPOT CASH PAItt.

BANK 1I--IPT- BOUGHT. N. HM 202 WEST THIRD ST. FLOi A I WANTED TO Bifltriliw, FOR ti) TO PtVS, or. mv touring car, at aboui g-isai; wi'l give IPS) fof use money, psr'y loantug tlie icouey could also iave ue of the car 4 to data week.

1009 WRIGHT ft ALLEN PFR PUHl. DlliHIST CAH rRii-FS PAiD fuM LIBERTY hONli', PlrF Tcipt snd W. M. JONSO.N. 2H1 North Sprlpg.

Room 1. Near Pot. Tt 'e UptrrtTY Rm-rrrrr Immedlste cash. Blheat prices paifl. lnatallnient tsids r-sng Also S.S.

na reatral SMI tv.r. Pa-ille EUelrle BM. t'ASH gnn tiBEPTY BOVOs aurl s. etrds and partly paid Ms. HI'- R'F.

RUP'C; PtvtN and Ptsnng TRAJAN tiiu rWpRt TO FIVK ht.uM st. S'lc HOLT, 4J6 Citi-rea Nat JBk (t'Of. t-L 1 840, Ctil JOB LIBERTY f. A S'i'l Price 411 l.NYTM-sT BLDO. FOB SALE" GENERAL MF.BXHA.NPE FrOBH This stem si otivi Ue sold to auBteosa dcauuig a Densot tucaUoa.

ttore now doing 1120 per day. For furthce periU-ulars, see r. E. WAUs, at tha ol ea of the Antilea Boaad of Tisuc, rooui 72-, 11 lagiua Biug. ABI70NA HOTEL FOB SALE riVF-YEAB I.EASB ana comptcte eqtiipmeitt for 4l rooBM; tut Is in a live town, ami Is fully occupied, sod iwvtfg a big return, but anus, he Bold at teu if saciiuceu- S.

F.MIIfT COMMISSION ttl, Aruoua, CA.NVAriJI. HB FACTORY FOR SALE- Entire 4iiipmet, mschmsry, iliee, also large slock canvas giotys; tnstariaj fttr nutaing etnm gloves In fact, everything complete to manufacture immediately. Will of enlhe t.f at A our reason; Must devote all our tune to lear g.ove huaineaa. An exceiletit oppo.umity to go lata buaiBcas on a tins, I tapiui. LEY BBI1S ir 743 Saiilce sl l.

Angeles, Cat WA.NTL BY tALEi MANA-EB. Will call Bad ace ynuj if you have a good b'lsl- ness snd are interested id sse wita you a Btsa comp-tebt tat handle sales w.irk of the highest order. Have had lo fears' expr.eBow and Bome of my work has ryt'oivod uathuial Ain eaxtefr. maa oome to fsltforDia to live on account of conditions ia laanly. AO-rsaa box lieu, TIMES DEUCE.

READ MANY OPt-MNuo, baNK INTERksT, flo.OOO; half pui'lt-limg. prloung husuicss, all coxiiecttonery, S's. worta doiilik half ostly luticu. -xtsio, clear uvi alt billiard, pool atorv, wonn doubts; half oee hiLsittosfl. half Do room fimushetl hotel, J2P00, clear $175 mo.

interoat several fscpifhs. iuu, t-uoo. Uet list otiter orotttahla bii.iiie Also aril cash or eaohauge. elUU.Ui-. ygnit safe busincai.


AllDtAESS "COM-llI0N," CA-iU A-V'i'OFALAaxA, CUiLM. WANTED VK1UL PARTIES TO JOIN A SMALL ayndicata now beiog formed for tha purpu-e of locaiipg Large acreage of gorernueaf, lau-d, which has every indicstion of one of tiie beet oil -elds in Uie ouuntry, this property bsa largs outcjopidng of oil ahsle; only smsil smoiint of capital resiuired for areinoinery aapenses; atn-dloate muat be closed by Thursd-y, am leaving for tha property then. Call room 8-0, ROs-LVN WANTED uiSMXll 10 REPRE- aeog ua exclusively la California, inveatment Texas, XltXlO; Otsgon, t.loO; a'ot'; -lew aiexico, aiU: ftetsaa, $100; riorida, H00. Dob fall to Invastigata Una opportunity: a ohanca to make real money: aioney osok when contract completed. Hpeetal proiKisitlos to hien Just out Bf service, tea MM.

COMER, 433 JSecurity JJ F(IR IXF-V- A LARtlH FTRCTBoCtr' hulldltig ia fsotithe-Tl Kerada, on ArTowhead Traa, Party muat have money fur machinery, be depo4ale and tlHro-gh meohaaie. Unusual chance for right aneu Local partie- aught fake an interest If ere-vthtng eau-fvetory. Address look box 871, Laa Vegas, giving exprtmoeind re(aTOoss OF "TBI- BEST tiRUO ii)-rn Oallfcarnia, doing good Busineea and retting full prices. Oood prescriptloli trade, low overhead serpens- Frloa l-OUO, Average tales 620. Locsted in beauttftii Ooaat Adttreaa iwx 62.

TIME- OFFICII fOU tiALK rXF-TIONFBY, AND cafs, doing better than a year. Retail, cash business, no delivery, the rest equipped piece in tho beat town io tiie 6 J. Vsller. Will stand closest investigation. Addrssa OW.N'EB.

0. box SO. TIMES OFFICE FOR SALE RESTAURANT, LOCATED IN THE downtown district, now clearing (too a monih-can be had for 81500 cash, aickneaa reaeon for selling anyon buying Uli, business is sura to mske money. Sea MB. BODo.N.

331 a. Loa Angeles sL CHANCE is TO CfiMB NTrSFi well established money-maker, bsrhectia rewsn-rant, I sin a syrian. I got the news the Turks massacred all my relatives, destroyed all my property. I must ell at half est Come at ouca and see OWNER, s. Main.

MAW tO TrTvTWT snrs TO eiA.w tu trvvi-VT antwy to going light ni4B-ictilritig teld. B.g profit Reference JADWAY folS, to ijicvesee Btltlnesa, I'nllmit-d fie revi.vcd. Phone BROADW m'lA Vnt-IAi AND" LUNCH' BillNr-TBSicii. t-iai; una 18 one Of the besi located placee In tha shopiung diattict, price flf5t FINB "anD liinch-s, doing $30 dsv, rent 8 rr, finely euipid. 6U00-DANDY CORNER GROCERY 'vunKm' living-rocma rent $15 Doing 8H0 day WITHItOW ft BCRROWS, s.

Spring. 81lia-MANUFAt Tl RlNO BUNrc; PROPt CT In d-nisud at ino per eemt, pmnt: well estsh-lisheti; siiowe good pi-sent ipoome, with spleutiid future prosimrta. HllJt PAYINO UUHt AlAM FAt TURINO BI.slMlJiS ON OAST HE IMiEPUNDKNT. dNTHOf, YOUR OWN TK4PE; BIO PROFITS FBoM SMALL tAPlTAls Hfpi g. FINE CIGAR STORE.

NEAR S'fTeNTH AND Hilt, dears $110 rent $16, king lease, splendid fixtures, fresh stock cigars, tobaccos can-diee. auui. tnagailiiea; price 6350. Call 6. HI pmm 312, WAN PRAITK AI, Bl slNEl MAN AS PARTNER in eat abiialied rtnaine-a, whit-U shows over $300 net.

monthly profit during taat file yearn; 8i50 acd -iTVicea required. EDWARD p. SILENT ft 735 3, HILL. bSstai rant mev on woVrSs attention: no money needed fax tasa over fine dlning-nio-i now doing good businees in proi.roua cltr rent to pay; niuet act quick. Bi'9INKs 14-vwtmfST fill Pelts Bid jtn anring.

$800 BUYS riF.T.TcAfY a'nD Cr4tS-- Jn Urge pnMie easy rl sar $100 mo. LUStHROOM, pnlNa $100 DAY Busv location; trial given until salirted. gee WITHROW ft BlRROtAs. 702 8. Spring LUN'r-H $7l wTfTlV.

bae.t locsted stand io heart of bus-iess evceotinnal opoorttipitr for. live nisn and wife Bt slNKs SALES COMPANY. 344 P. Hill. FOR AltlPFllV ehesp rent, doing floe I0R 8PPAIR FHOP.

butiness all tin -o-date rrecpltierv: owner going TUfl'LE ST. bo fanning; quick aaia UtE CLEAR LOT IN value and cash Want Hving-rooma. f-i'l mrtif decse O. hot 1Q3 T1M! FOR 'AFEfrrti'C Oood loca-itm. $22AO.

I- A. IMREAs'lSri avpall eah grocerv with itlxrs Surf location. Ad-'8 OFrlfE DAILY, RENT $00 wll-iHIRE 8.321, pARTNE Wan ted. WANTEDA PERSON WHO CAN INVEST $10 000 in manufacturing bnaineie already established, will make a fine Investment as welt as give a very reutuviersi ive noaiuen this is no get-rich scheme, and only those who mean btisirtess need apply. Address boa 818, IM i-i branch ut It WASTED PABTN ER RlUABI.

HOKST, full or part down, balance trni in-tnrfie, half tnt-Te-t. eetebhalled lsisma-s Yot.r rer-eey buck if you don't net 6150 month frt.a for double. One chant fhcus. d. ohtiop.

Addreas hoi tit), TIAfls1 Ot-T-K a conk ie riots. rfi iab:" ami poultry Bisn. a trustworthy Party with ao-mt Stutal, f'lllv seeurvl. 1 '-ave vpchods that guarantee au -csss Befer-liecs tl. ft: PARK WANTED HtVF, FYCEIIENT Bt'SINIS-t PSOJ.

eet, lewitiniste. piir.aoept big (wofits. $7ia rc-n'ttretl; give plione. Addtas. box 6-1, TIME- OCFICE; lTI ft- riBTSV WITHrA HAVE SAAIE ati-iurit clears 300 iu.

Add-e-a B. "-ox JIVFS BHANId orFlrF, WASTE') A -t-lrrisT 1 FtV ltt NDRFO, INTFR- CK clear $M) mo. P1 -HAM PLUnk A NT uS-i' 4 St U. i'tl Bl'sfNKsM, IPO PI eevtf prcet. g.

8RP ST B'ti 411. BLSlNtSS CHANCKS HAVB ttrlNFT TO TNAE-T. vAith ohiect of assn on.g cttntro) or acoU'ring Isrge twverest In Worth-wott- htuness now one'ating at a gtsei profit, Ha hsd man-ageipent te many years of fifteen millicn 4.tiar nisuutifitrinf corT.raii-n tp fat stae iari.LOi-r sod dste tor aiia tn'oiect Priucipepi mis. A-dresa tna 23. TIME- orFiit.

I rYAVTTi--' rit-uate jvrv.tawiittor, in wiudi rev sem- as can a.o no atlvelc epgared in A. for pwX 14 Jswrs Recently reiumevt frcwi service aed wis! to en-see ia a -iisitteea Oist has stent, with poser "t'oiea of a r-d fu-t ii 4. Tt MJ 4 NCIfOl FT rr. OWNER BT M.NF sBrvWINn gorl profit, must he pat-atn for cash, and stand thorotteh tovestigs'ictt give fell d-'aP. tn an-er Add -see Uji 507.

TIMES BRANCH OFFlt Sol Bi sNEsaTTsT'T WITTt WILL SELL llava watting. Phone vtlstT at't -atl and lit voor a. NATIONAL F.fttlltAtl (O. I '-'4 W'. tirjh Jwm WlSTEil FtaR rH.

'i'iiX MrRiTHN- dtv os. ace fpaotltj. BLANK, 1ft) gkwtli SO-O at- P-O it 'l; WANiTft tt iNTufTTo Bl't weil locai.d. fa t' '-e rs, city or ecintrv: wur. gtatid st-'f'ee- tmvessnrat.evv, Addraas as, BOX 4h-.

llli'3 kaU.Nl Oi Kt- VICTIM HAS CHANCK Of BECOV-IKV FROM CNID ENTl-ll-I rtBSON ATTACK. Bhot by an unldeDtiil-d mn tepp-d from an automobllo nd fired point-tank at him while) hi was walking cast on Twenty-fourth ctreet, near Vermont avonuo, Xetiter Oullej, lT-year-old choolboy, son of C. N. Otilie of 1341 W-ert Twnrity-fourth Btr-tst, ia Jn tha Receivlnit HosDital with fair chance of rcov- 'try from a. wound in tha vheat.

Th- pollro think that Oulia was taken for another part v. Oulle. flcoompanied by Wllllam Lewia of 270- Orchard avenue, wan walking to hia horns when a Ford' maehlnej, traveling west with thre men, Blow ly drove up to the curb. A the boys cam abreast of the triachlna one of the men etepped to the punning; board and taking aim at Guile, flt-ed. In the excitement no on, observed tho number of tha licens plate.

At the Receivlni. Hospital V)r. Dtinsntoor found that the bullet had glanced from rib over the heart and entered the rifcht arm. In undressing the wounded boy, tha bullet fell to the floor. It aa Bred, from a .4 revolver.

C. N. Ofalie, father of tha youth, stated tliat tha shooting may have, been dona by an Austrian, witU whom he had troubla over the foreclosure of a mortgage. Petective. Leon and Carl Williams were) as signed to locate the man.


V. Darlington, Emmatt Phllllpa nd Charles vVhltmora, membera of tha State Highway Commission, and W. W. Patch of Loa Angel, engineer for the commission, met thia ning a guesta of Col. Edward Fletcher, State highway booster, and indorsed the aouthern route of tha highway from Loa Angelea to Phoenix through San Diego along" the bordr to El Centro and thenca to Phoenix.

Tha other proponed, route of the rtlRhway ax from Loa Angeles to Phoenix, via Mecca and tttma and Loa Angelea to Phoenix via Needle. A banquet was given by Col. Fletcher to the commisaion and to prominent San Diegana. The members of tha commlssloni atated they are strongly in favor of the aouthern. or San Diego route, and believe the Immediate building of tha road to ba of great military value, A portion of tha road is paved, but between Buekman Spring and Flynn Springs la bad at present and there are many other stretches not paved.

The members) of the commission will go by way of El Centro to Ttuna tomorrow, Thia la tMe first time the new mem bers. Commissioner Phillip and Whitmore, have been tn tho aoulha am diatrict of tha State. PLACE OF SENTIMENT in nmmv.cs Torn 4. Jk- aues-- s- g- Los Angeles advertising wonien listened last night to an analysis of sentiment In business by John R. Clarke, recently appointed assiatant general nianager of Barker before the Woman' Advertising Club at its regular dinner session.

Mr. Clark saw more advertising strength and real appeal In a tender story or a unique bit of romanc properly employed than In any amount of argument or cold facta baldly presented. For this reason ha saw in the entry of women into the Rdveitisini field a logical advance. Another speaker wast Mrs. Virginia Stivers Nielsen, correspondent of the Illustrated New syndicate, who told of the picture game and Ita place in news stories.

The tablPB were decorated With Valentine suggestions. Miss Helen Royce acted as toast mistress. TELLS NEED OF FAITH. Evangelist i ten a on "Monf Important Question:" Prayer Scrtlce. "The Most Important Question that Any Man Ever Asked and Answered," was Dr.

R. A. Torey's subject at the Bible Institute evangelistic service last night, "If you do the right thing with Christ, you will get everything that ia worth having for time and for eternity," tha speaker said. "Our acceptance befora Cod depends entirely upen what do with Jesus Christ. If you accept Christ, God will accertf you: if you reject Christ, God will reject no matter who you are or what you nny do." Today la being observed by those.

interested in the meetings as a day of special fasting and prayer. A meeting for public praver wilt ba held at 11 a.m. In the Bible Institute: another meeting at 4 p.m.. when Dr. Torrey will speak on "Tha Power of the Holy tlhost in Preaching and Personal Work." The regular evening meeting will ba held.

CORPORAL RET I'ltNS. Corp. Ralph J. McXevin of tha Three Hundred and Sixty. fourth lieglnient, Ntnety-flrat Division, returned to his home at 2634 Frances avenue yesterday.

He was wounded In the battle of the Argonno Kor-et and spent four months In hi. pita I In France. Bt CH ANCES i vv ntirvta ANTF.D If" YOU WAtf TO as Lt, Yo g( a. net, lor casti. see B-CLNESS INVgsTMENT s-'a 'us assitj U.SNTED A PARTY WITH 'PP CAS Spy half interest in the pp.tterty at, 744 rJnpB ST Ptease call foitncore, WASTS-D Silt, A lUlENT Tt-( A FEvs faousand dollars to invest ia a pronieb.e

ri5 mi. WASTED YOl LI-TFD WITH 1 we will sell it rpiws'v and auvetty fn exi Call jP8 ptl.TA or pooae S77? 7'rn)To wall bousl 6a ttsrd No. 113 N. MAIN lw Acgnea, Cat I V)t MASV F' 5FKS fOIta as'e. s'ree or tniereet.

1 UR.ANT PlDtl. EGAL NOTICES VlTleK HtRlBY OIVFS: THAI THIt I OF a ai-t ed ha (Pm wtti t-h nf Cctin't of Lis A-gt-'v. so f. te ei-rte a tt'ia taetwan ta A'-g. ies, tat, er.

Cat. and tiat a Ipj-Pt on said aiplt be io. ha orWcss of t'te R.ard 9f I'l tPts st c-mnty .11 of Ret em ip F-tfl om Mt-kday. Is-rlM-y 1 st to aa l.NHWE.Ni.NT TBUtS CsX nilANO LEMON AND VI AUK VI OKOVKS For tJ For 8aJa. rOB SALaV- AL.MON0 ORCH'BDg PLA.NTM1 6 THB fLMoyr) OftrHABD OP Pa'O BOHLSjB.

CAU Are bow subdividing and olTeiing 80 to 0-acre trscts of their choicest ALMONU LAN OAT to Slf'O per sTS no e-y teems, perfect air dtamag. bo feiol.rstua. NO IHRIRA'1'ION. siuninatiug the big aapenaa of sa eruusiii. Close lo State highway.

We will also contract to plant your orvhlrd before season clows for HIS per sere, which covers sll coat 4 selected trees. Slewing, sur-eing for Uses, planilug, experienced orchardiits. We will also contract lo care for same at at ier sera per year, enabling one to enjoy a sndsouie income without changing your resi- depmchaa aow'nd profit by a year's growth at trees. If Interested In rii vestment with an assured future call for further information aud de tain, MISSION AL1MOWJ OnLBflltD M. K.

ntliD. fee. 221 klercanuls f'laos. near Sixth snd Broadway. FOB SALB BBRUKR OKFERH GBNUINB tillOVB H.tKOAINI There Is a leaitlmate reason for this 8-arre talenci orange grove being placed an the mar- ses as eaz.tiou, ana you wiu say.

wnen you see the healthy, Tigoroua. producing trees, and the deep, rich soil, and the splendid electrin pumping plant, and the cnay, little home, snd the Deantiful boulevard loeatiou, that it certainly must be "some reason." If is, and we want to tell you about it rirhir away, because we Bate eulj a tor abort time to turn this place C. B. BERflFR Anaheim. Cel.

FOR 8ALK 10-ACItF, YOLNO VALENiIA OROVK, llMl. Af CIkI. C.aI1 I. a. Angeles; strictly modern, -story home IPl spacious, well-srranged rooaia, garage for three cars, eitra room for chauffeur, cement drives, beautifitt lawn and slmichery.

full-hearing family orchard: all city conveniences. Passdeua dsuvuies, loa price U. COUOBRAN, Phone 1SS19, 715 Vsn Nuv Rldg. FOR SALE--10-ACRE RANrH, wamurs. i-room noiife, large gaiage, pumping plant: But, st.

near (Hand View sva, west of Uiendale. so acres. AUsa. SO acres Vstewclka anit Ma. tela, hue pumping plant.

Above properties mut MIata. xrust iieparaaient, uua. MY T8. at 6AV. BANK.

JOB jAIJS OR Ai'RES, FLIX- proaucaag orsngs grots, finest condition, navels, ValeBolas, bouaa. watar, not frost damsged, mije from Rtdlsnde. l-A l.ia Aiialaa Ibamiu, l.B eeh haianoo mongaga M.MKl; 1 mraa busjiiess, 1m your Aouiaaa at, box TlMivtf BaUuNXit Of- ic a. F-OR SALE BliARlNO OBAXllW PAY. I8-ACRB.

15-year-old orange grove, finsst condition, good Income, Louse, water. cke ia. fteuland. part 'WVUH, IIUIV .1 f.t.W UU IIUSV 1,1 III SIB. FOR SALE SACR IFItFI, 10 ACRM ORANUkJ.

baa Ltuuaa duinct. loOOO crop goes, home build-Jnes, tl5.0TlO, terms: other aaapa. O. PARK g31ITll, ItajQ aag Blag. flAB SALt lu-ADBii liYBAR-OlJy VALLNtlA orange grove, no frost, good erop: two years crop will pay for grove, aluat sell Quick.

W. H. EAfiXE, 8ai Story Bldg. rur jaac.nanga, 88-A'JRF, ORANGES OROVE. half Yalencias, 11 years old: S'iflOO crop goes: Ijeiity Water: fine soil; neither smudged nor fronted: money-maker: tlO.OOO.

eillTii. 1000 Haaa Bldg. FOR ESCHA.V0B 16 ACHES CITRUS LAND AT Placentia. will eschamta for aood. Holalein cat tle, pure breeds or grades; call at 145 K.

MiLF, city, between and P.m., WM. MAHTIU. FOR VALKNCfA OROVE. Income SlOut); want flats or bungalow ootut. FR.A.NC1S M.

TAYLOR, W4 Delta Bldg. 141163. JJEAjT KSTATli MlbCKLLi'AOLaJ For Sale, FOB SALB 40 AND 1110 ACRES, AIirALFA land, ItiO fruit land, 6 acres Yslencias, ftloi'ar; 3 double bungalows, also first mortgage S18tA: all or any at, your own price. FTLLkY, 51 5 I'pton Oil Bldg. FOB 8.VLE BABOAIN.

O-BOOM M0DF31N FIN. galow, hardwood floors. enrage. shrubhery. flowers, corner lot.

New Veioamt Fqtiare, Price MlioO, terms, AllLLhR, iH Van Nuje Blag. Phone 130o9. s0B SALE BKALTIFf'L LOCATION, FINK S-room bungalow, northweet eide, ideal home. Price f40OO. lilLLiH, Vaa Nuys Bldg.

lotOtf. Acreage far Subdivision. FOR SALE 20 CITT ACRFH. OR 112 LOTS. BIO snap.

5c fare. W. Phrme VERMONT 920. ty ANTED REAli KSTATK For raah and For Casb Not Claswllled. WANTED MODKRN BUNOALOW.

HOLLYWOOD. Will aadiume niortgage and give modem $3000 clear, bungalow, want modern otingaJow, went, northwest. Give $3(KH) rah and clear lot. S15IKJ. Want bungalow northweet for 4StK etiolty in 7outt flat property, filendale.

Yours for busi-ne, FRARY, 617 Union Oil Bkig. KKW8. WANTED SMALL RANCH WITH BLILDl.NcJfl, close to boulevard, near cits caen, customers waiticfr. ffiMl. ,2 TRl.ST IXOa B1XH1.


WILL CoSilDBR A UuLsi TO till. Out). C. V. SIVfPSON.

Main 069. TV. i. C.4RLAND A 1H66. 749 8.

fl'niNU STRLET. WANTED WF. WANT ROOM HOUSE. MlT le stnctlf raiMiem. aJA ilaliine section or clooe-in southwest, ill-turnwin clear bungalow cor.rt tract.

Very desirable. Must be ftguied on strictly cash value. Our "tract la worth Will assume PBB-r0N, with GEO. A. COBTUa-YOU 584 BradlwyBldg.

11302. WANTED WF, HAVIS BLYEHS WAITING. FOR 5 to T-roam bungalow, southwest; if you have i bona gde bargain we can sell qnirklv. BARNKS D1MM1CK, with ctrotig-Dickinsua-McGraUi 101a Murgh-Strong Bldg. WASTED- UOISF.

IN WlUsfllttl', D1STRKT. IF sou hare glft.uOO to glii.OOO uropcitj that Jou will sell for liOOti cah, seou tre full psriiculaia and will investigate same. Adureaa T. box 'Ml, T1MM. BRANCH 01 KICK.

WANTED -TO BUY A BOI SE. (jlTY OR BEACH, have $1,100 and 4 lots, Lronpoini, as part payment. Addreaa bog 203, TLil-Ui OFFirB. WANTED 8 OR 7-ROOM HOl'sE. PRBFF.R JT or northwest, have clear aouaa, baianct rash.

Phone PICO A-2. WANTED -YOl BESlliBNCK OR OTBKB PROP-arty for sals or exchange, for income. J. H. I'BfaTON.

6a Clt. Nat, Bsuh Bldg. WANTED F.QI1TY IN MODERN BUNtlAlAYW, north of Adams; will give flue clear buineye lot, S.W.. eooOO. A.

W. ROhH, 1007 Haaa B.dg. IW'iij. WANTED OR 7 ROOM BUNOAWlW, fcoiffH- we1 mut he mtJcrn and on a corner, hee F. I.JtADMMK2r)toiyBldg.

WANTHi HOL'tiF, OR LOTS FOR FHUIT, GRAIN, stork ranch, I'HOKSIX. 'jlll Cirant Bldg. WANTED Holiakal FOR COI.ORKD BL'YFRS. BUOKERTkAl IMF. 909 (iermain Bldg.

1.0 M. WANTBFs-JIO BUY FOR CAPff, OOOD RtllLD-in lota Gir- location aud price. Atidiiaa bog 4ST, TiMt BRANCH OFFICE. Income Property. WANITO FLAT BUILtP.a, PRFSR WHITE cement, ow west bhJo or Hollywood.

Want ttpipeny chowing good income from gl4.00O to StCi.ouO. Wave client with modern 54-room hom*o, tallied at iitl.OOu, clear. Can borrow ttouO. Owners submit at. once.

Will inspect Thumiay. Srt L. A. liRKES, Alain fmf'T. i c.

ALBRioar eot alerchinta Bank Bldg. Country and Ranch TrapsMir. FT 4 NTT. 0-40 ACRl-4 AUAIJ-A UNO, SAN FFR. nando Vallev.

kfuit. be bargain, improved i. rep uy prattled. slRd. JkosLP.

771 A. Loa Roolesjt; WANTED SOlTlirnN CALIFORNIA BA.NCH. Vtill give big cuiily Id fine hom*o aa first payment. )1 gut put io other income properly, VWI.strN, Wol Vicoriaave. A.ANT10) FOR AhH, iitlO TO 5000 At RL, cattie and alxxrp ranch, California or Arizona.

Msiie lowest ciMh price. I'nncipala only. Ad- 4'''' T1MF8 BRANCH tVASTKD TO IKASffe IMPFrTaL LAND. Ml FT be suitable for altalfa and corn, Muat he near nisin canal. 0, ID, TIMtS tyFit.K.

WANTED BM( BE vlAR'tAlN CAtS. Addresa If, bos 251. TIMt.8 OH ICS. II KAU KSTATlv-I-XH EXCILVNGE iseellaneona. FOR.

ESI HAN'ifcr EYF.BYWHKRS. lest ou regret. Prsy lon lortfK. BAlLfY Tniles Tliaft His Trade. A.

H. BULEY. Iltl 'Irrry B'dg. Fi'il kXiHAMIE lTY POIiR LIPFKCY Bond and eouity in gnorl half acre for tawgslosf. BRO.MSQ-bTiVtV!0i, i P-as Bi-J F3nrFicHA.Ni.F HOI AND TWO U'TS If watts, on Waltoa s.

for rostauraat. paa.VB FtiR EXl SAV CASH OR fcii RANGE FOB vour prour'te. no lnater where socated, BriVWIitri.l!'!, 12-0 Baas Bkig. iok exi HA.Ntr -oo to as Wttii rdi isal aauta. IrU Brysow iiooa.

Bouaaa. FOR FYrfltNF AtOBrRV rtrjT to-'soo siiamn-s. Want huirslow nr rie.r. R. vjjm (MM.

FUR" Ht.MiF OR SALE -4 -III HOI sS tDl 4ti.iCg pr-h. E. FOt RTH- OworT, 4 r.y-'T if: )ir rs'o'enr or njcn rtt'i Loi.i Viv. lor BeOOOdls losA-U UH. kW SANlKN AvaV sngeies.

sioiy and half, uliti, 7 rr.oma ana tsra.e. piih st. vame li.tsiii i 'ir, aouthwast, Los Angeias, up to (tUUV. WAllwLL, ln Besch. FOR MUlA-NcE i-RDOM aintlKRV Bl'N'lV ana garue.

close Huntipgion rara. giatO; mortgire SnO- want 1st nf-ul touring auui, call HOINSW0U'(U BLDO. 14H icnincs. FOR SALEhlX-ROOM M0f-eni interior, near cars, chnrrhee, srhool. biislcca Want near city or Vaoioe, 14.

A W. UOL'cE, CLEAR, FOR aSSf. OEO. B. MARSHALL, rii Wet av 67.

Uaf ransa lo4S. oomuitaaiaa. Lata. FOR KXCHtNOlS WELL IfirATBP TrT OB part payment oo bungalow. BBOHNINur rikVkNoo.N, 120 Haaa Blrtg.

Buslneaa lroperF. TOR FIcnANOF A bt ninesa building and onsra house In Bed-lands, flue oorncr. Lot S5 feet fm by li'J feet. Tlieie 1s a flue store on the corner, first Soor atid several rooms upsuira. W'wn rented brings In Saal per luontu.

lYice mortgage atlOOO, 7 per cent. Owner wsou) good alfalia ranch fur properly. Will Apply U. O. Hiversnie, Cal, FOR kXCHANtif-JtlSINEJ4 LOT, WESTERN near and Want home to VYiUhira.

BLAKUIuHei LtND 2iiS Van Nuya Bldg. Income j'roDerty. rfR FXCHANOKHUNTlNaTOrJ BEACH, 4-flat building, coreer. close in. 9 Sate furnished and rented to permanent, tenants, for $Dfi per month Value ilU.ouU.

Owner San Francisco man who wanw clear -property to 87i)t)0 in loa Angotea, that wHl not reiuire personal sttsnttou. See L. A. IIRFEN, Min SU7. C.

I ALBKWHT HOI Merirutrts Natl. Bank Bldg. rOB EX A -N il'i A ilODKRN TOUR FLAT building, splendidly locsted, always renled. Win souept in exchange an ure-io-datei ntuiaalow or home in Wilsbira dietilct. Address: bol 504.

TIKES BRANCH OF'Flca Ruhnrhao Proporty. FOB EXCHANGE 10 ACRE SANITY TjOAM SOIL. modern A-ruom house, good barns, thta la complete eounuy home, oloaa to boulevard, school and Htraat car. Qardena; price mortgage tnono. Owners and ageata aubmiL OW.SLil, 0U87V3.

Country Property. p6h exphanob BeAUTipm. pimiBwoirs) spot among the sturdy oaks, 139-acre footnill ranch ia Prvw county, plenty water, mountain at resin through property, fifteen acres young apple treey, good house, bsrn and outbuildings. Price flO" per acre: mortgsga Want lsraa dwelling Biehland Park or South Psasdetia wtir. Submit to owner.

Room 2o0 HOLLOA LE TF.RM1NAL tfARKkT 746 Central ava. Phone Main 4i4H FOR ElUHA.NOFeitUO KQL1TY IN 1K-ACBS mountain ranch. Trinity only $310 incumbrance. Make offer. 205 TEROC'SON bli for exchange s1w.00o of california farms, partly clear of incumbrance, to exchange for clear Improved eastern property.

Address owner. J04 VA.NNEfiS Fresno. Cal. FOR EXCHANGE ALFATA RANTB. Irtconie want apartment-house, furnished.

F'RANCIH M. TAYLOR, 504 Delta Bldg. 14tKt. I'OH EXCIUNtiE atl AIRES ANTKLOPB VAlc vy. alfalfa laud.

For bungalow. UR1FF1.N, 201 OT. 'PO LOAN Money. Heal Kstate and Imnrorementa. QUICK FIBeT ANSI SECONO LOANS.

Owners of net eased real estate can obtain miiik second loans, fK) to S'iOO. without Olaturmng uie flrst mortgage now ou the Droperty. I lisnnle my own funds, which enables nie loan iriuuediateiy, wiliiont escrow. I also make qui. shrt-teim first loans.

If you apply today I can give yon the money tomorrow. ARTHCR CONNABI.B, 604 Merchants Nstionsl Bank Bldg. Corner and jiprli'g ate. TO LOAN "0O0 7 PER ON RANCH, PER ON CITY. 170007 PER I.MP.


REALTY BLDO. 671151. WF LOA vtm OWN MONEY tut REAL ESTATE. No commiasiona Interest 7 per cent. Quick action.


FOURTH AND gl'BIAU BTS. Main 69Z ETRONU Dt( KI.NSON-M ORATH CO. Solicits Applications for Itans. City or country Special attention given good rauch losua Quick sppraisem*nt. Current rates, SMITH A SHANKS.

Loan Msih-Stng Witfl 9th and Main Main IL'73. BEiUDENCF. APARTMENTS, FLATS. IN SUM" Or' 50 TO S50.000 VP. Cash for First Mortgages.

Straight Building Liana a tyeclatty. tntetest at 6, 7 snd 8 per cent, and ua. CONSOLIDATED MOBTOAOE 4i' Waihiniton Bldg. Pico 8335. MOST POPULAR PLAN IN 811, vALlFORMA building loans on real estate, Installments.

HOMkl l.WEmtENT ASSOCIATION, of Rftllands, 487 Union Oil Bldg. P1. COMPANY, BEAD BUILDINO, FAN FBAN-ciwo, loans its own money, direct to borrower; amounts S10OO to on orchsrds, tine-yaids, alfalfa, grsin and cattle ranches In ban Joaquin alley. MONEY ToT.f 'N OV IMPROVED ClTY PROPERTY. or for building on easy terms of repayment.

mention 'nu so. STAlai MUTUAL BLilti LOAN ASSOCIATION, 722 1 Ppnng st, TO LOAN SKiOO TO 30.0011. IMMEDIATELY, aov amount, iili to 7 ier cent, 1 want city or country improved properties. Applications of owners or stents will be promptly acted upon. See U.

C. Hl(, HIE. 711 HolUngswortn Bldg. lei, JO LOAN SJishi, second mo-tsage money. Art mortai'ire money.

MOHTHLAND MniTUAOK COMPANY, Bdwy. nS2. i H33 Security Bide. I HAVE 7oi) TO LOAN AT 8 PER KNT ON eitv rest estate or on a giug ranch, not no fer out be MB. LEVY, Liaa Dept.

of n. H. cotton 3rd floor of (114 ft. etphng st. Msm aiw.

WILL IiAN DIRECT TO OWNERS, glOOO TO ipoii.uijp, city or rsucin-s. win i wsnt lymrr wrooerty. lust wsut iiiieret sua win msKe Lust W. A. BUCHANAN.

Room 7u0, Uol- lin orthBl'lC Si-itli aud Hill. 14'Hlf PLENTY I'RIYATH PR ON improved eitv or ranch properties. Consider Pan Joaqiun, snn remanuo, or any good loans, 70S TUUST sl IMiS BUM WB HAVB FROM IlOnO TO S5.tlnl "to LOAN st a ano per mi ont mortgsiic prop. arty. Address B.

n. HOPKINS CO 51 703 Memtt rilg, LOS AiigeitW. EDMUND rORTt 312 STORY BLDd fl7469 Monir in sums to suit up to S.oO.noO At rt's according to character of security, First mortgages on improied eitv. VYE WILL VOAN fin FEB CFNT. OR MORS OB improved pruperty, current Interest rate.

-nr one to i.u.u.n k. Lsvuaait. 1008 Van Blog. PUna MHiS. MOSSY TO MAS SEASONABLE RATbti, COLfi' try and city property.

Prompt sMvice. ttaia 3'i04. FRED Q. SMITH. 1 1 -1 Intestmn' pM lao.onn to wan.

to 7 per on city lmprovea. wrsr. or unrioHsst; Wijj divide lisirt.1iiiB a-tt-in. no delay. JOSFPH eciilLLEB, Hail Van Suva, essay TO LOAN ON Cors'TRf prhpertt at 7 per cent PAUL J.

RAYMOND, 617 Trust and savior Alii 72. WHY PAY MOKE THAN oo To gptc-nf your leant MORTGAGS ILtABLNa AioUsaT. ll.s eioiy a 7 PER CENT. MOSEY. CITY nm aiiuitc.

R. EARNEST ft S41 B. w. Beilifao gldg.Jliurh K. Walker.

g. Rhea Freest. IF YOU 10 BORROW oCItxo 61TBiTi. estate, sea I B. PHtoroN.

WW CiL Nat Bank Iliuw. TO IJ-AN f10, llnn, AT .7. MONEY yaitmg; also buy real bargains. Quirk action A II.Bm. 18P8 Br; eon BHt.


S4UIS1 It 7 ri'Q tint mcrtEiis. no agents. Address YioNrr to loan in sums of txo To t.vsuo-t US cr- -i 4. J. UK UROFT Ml ttl tlHLIN BLDO fH4.

ON, i io loan AT RRFAT R.ttrw ON or tvuiioj P'T-nt. 'a bBOS Vxil vJia.B:dg. Mam altef TO LOAN TO ON iTty HOMES today, a. ia n't o.i.i... -i iirsnr og.

TO LOAN inr1 TO J.Tl.Omt! eiTT rr country, mor- waiting. 1,11 PRIvaTB IHPtl, WiWFT RATI? l.ra'XBABT 1 -rap is. RUnY OH 1 pis f-t jh STr rttrm s- ti my BLDO. mi.i. loan v.s) oi" oru i a TiToi.

icitT i' i (i. i II a 1 or 1 1 i tag. Usaf 1 oisi lauar J4471, 'aanmltifat land HlJ -d 6- water a Usd, Caa 12. 5, I for tBioJMU.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.